Student Information and Classification
Domestic Students:
This criteria applies even if you have completed your schooling outside Australia.
You are considered a local/domestic student if you are:
- A citizen of Australia
- A citizen of New Zealand
- A dual citizen of Australia and any other country
- A Permanent Resident of Australia or
- On a Permanent Humanitarian Visa.
Dual citizenship:
If you have Australian or New Zealand citizenship and citizenship of another country, you are considered to be a local student – even if you completed your schooling outside Australia.
What does ‘Commonwealth’ supported mean?
‘Commonwealth supported’ means the cost of your study is shared between the Australian Government and you. Commonwealth-supported places are only available to students who are:
- Australian citizens
- New Zealand citizens studying in Australia or
- permanent residents
and are enrolled in one of the following course types:
- an undergraduate course
- a graduate entry bachelor degree or
- a postgraduate course for which the University has allocated you a Commonwealth-supported place.
Australian citizens and Permanent Humanitarian Visa holders are only eligible to be commonwealth-supported for courses where at least one topic of the course is held in Australia.
New Zealand citizens and permanent residents of Australia are only eligible to be commonwealth-supported for individual topics that are held entirely in Australia, unless you are required to study outside of Australia to complete that topic.
Include information and links to:
- Student application for enrolment form
- Fees and refund policy
- Policies and procedures, forms and templates
- ANEI Flyer: ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology
- ANEI Flyer: ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
- ANEI Flyer: BSB50420 Diploma in Leadership and Management
- ANEI Flyer: BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
International Students:
Include information and links to:
- International Student Prospectus
- International Student Handbook
- International Student Fees and Refund Policy
- Student application for enrolment form
- Policies and procedures, forms and templates
- ANEI Flyer: ICT50220 Diploma of Information Technology
- ANEI Flyer: ICT60220 Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
- ANEI Flyer: BSB50420 Diploma in Leadership and Management
- ANEI Flyer: BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management